BlackSharing: Iobit Folder Protected 1.0 Full


PASSWORD IF NEED: blacksharing

Cari di sini

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Iobit Folder Protected 1.0 Full

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you.

  • Extremely Easy to Use

Just drag and drop the file to Protected Folder with folder password to protect it. Its intuitive interface makes it the ideal utility for complete computer novice.
  • Hide from View

Hide folders, files, pictures & videos from those who want to investigate and search for certain files on your computer. No one can see them except you.
  • Block Access

Easily block access to files, folders, and programs you choose. You can password protect folder and its files then others can see it but cannot access, read or view its content.


pass: blacksharing

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